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NDIS Plan Review

Navigating the NDIS can be daunting, especially if the NDIS marks the first time you or your loved one are accessing supports and services. The Inform NDIS 101 series aims to take some of the confusion out of understanding, accessing and using the NDIS by providing straightforward information and resources.

As your life changes, the supports and services you need will also change. That’s why it’s important to review your NDIS Plan. But how does the review process work? And how should you prepare? Read on for some tips on how you can get the most out of your plan review.

What is a NDIS plan review and why do you need one?

Most NDIS plans last for 12 months only. A plan review is an opportunity to check that the supports and services in your plan are still working for you. In addition, a plan review provides an opportunity to go over your goals, see where you’re at with them and make any adjustments or changes.

As you work towards achieving your goals, or as life changes—you move out of home, get a job or enrol in university—your goals will naturally change. As a result, your plan will need to change too.

That’s why a plan review is so important. Because making sure that the supports and services you receive in your NDIS plan reflect the supports and services you need to life your life the way you want means that you’ll be able to achieve your goals.

Preparing for your NDIS plan review

So, what do you need to do to prepare for your plan review?

Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. Ensuring your NDIS plan matches your goals and provides the right supports and services means you can live the life you want to. So, it’s worth spending some time preparing for your plan review.

Start by thinking about what worked well in your first or previous plan. And also, what didn’t work so well. Write down what worked and what didn’t and take these notes with you to your review. Consider if you have met any of the goals you had identified? If you have, you’ll need to think about what your next goal or goals will be. And if you haven’t, think about any changes to your supports and services that could help you reach your goal.

It’s normal for your new plan to not look like your old one. And in fact, if you’re getting the right kinds of supports and services and meeting your goals, you probably want to change things up, see what else you can achieve or set some new goals. But remember, you don’t need to change your goals. If you’re still working towards them and you’re happy with those goals, you can keep them.

Our NDIS consumables services

You can purchase many of your NDIS consumables including continence aids, nutrition and wound care at the click of a button from Independence Australia.

Independence Australia provides online purchasing options for self-managed, provider managed and plan managed NDIS participants.

Portrait of a guy in a wheelchair

NDIS Plan Tips and advice

Get your support coordinator on board to help you prepare for your plan.

Keep track of the end date for your old plan so you know when to expect a call about your plan review. It should come about 4 weeks before your plan ends. If you haven’t received a call within two weeks of the end date of your plan, get in touch with your Early Childhood Early Intervention, Local Area Coordinator or your Support Coordinator. Otherwise, call 1800 800 110.

If you need, you can have someone with you in your plan review–a family member, friend or support worker—who knows you and who you trust to help you get the right plan for you.