Disability Support Worker FAQs How physical is the job? You need to be in good physical health as you’ll be active while bending, lifting and transferring consumers. Please note you’ll receive ongoing training in workplace safety and in manual handling skills to move...
How to set emotional boundaries with clients. Have you ever needed to set boundaries with your client, say no to their requests, or discuss concerns you have about your client to you regional co-ordinator, but felt you couldn’t do so because your client views you as a...
How to avoid compassion fatigue Support work can be demanding work, meaning physical fatigue is common. A healthy diet and plenty of rest are some important ways to ameliorate the effects of physical fatigue. However, there is another type of fatigue that can affect...
How to relieve suffering from alcohol One of the many challenges associated with your support work, is that your workplace is also someone’s home. In this working environment you are exposed to the everyday lives of your clients. You are an intimate witness to...
How to cope with stress at work Support work is a personally challenging role, within it we face demands on our time and performance. At times you may find yourself struggling to get all the tasks you need to get done finished in time or maybe you experience anxiety...
How to give clients a compliment When you are meeting a new client for the first time it is important to build a good working relationship. This takes time and effort and includes important conversational skills such as active listening and assertiveness which we have...