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Robbie Streeting’s Show The World focused on ability

Robbie Streeting’s Show The World focused on ability Robbie Streeting wants people with a disability to focus on what they can do, not what they can’t do. That’s the message at the heart of the 25-year-old’s first documentary, Show The World, which was a part of the...

How I Roll lighting a fire for wheelchair sports

How I Roll lighting a fire for wheelchair sports Wheelchair Sports NSW/ACT is determined to get more women and girls involved in wheelchair sports. They’re starting with the How I Roll campaign which was launched in September 2020 to international acclaim. On the day...

The National Youth Disability Summit

The National Youth Disability Summit  Haley Zilberberg looks at how the National Youth Disability Summit provides a space for young people with disability to discuss the issues that matter to them. Earlier this month, the first ever National Youth Disability Summit...

Meeting Place moves online in 2020

Meeting Place moves online in 2020 The leading forum for the arts and disability is moving online in 2020. Meeting Place, the signature annual event of Arts Access Australia, provides space for artists with disability to present, perform, discuss and debate. This...

Leaping to independence: five things I was told I’d never do

Leaping to independence: five things I was told I’d never do Carolyn Campbell-McLean lives with spinal muscular atrophy. For Inform, she writes about her pursuit of independence and her mission to help others with disabilities follow their dreams. ‘Living your best...

The life-changing work of Dogs for Kids

The life-changing work of Dogs for Kids Dogs for Kids is a Victorian-based organisation that raises and trains assistance dogs and therapy dogs to work with kids and teenagers with a range of different disabilities. Inform spoke with founder, Katie Hunter about the...