The Resource Library for neurodivergent professionals The Neurodiversity Media Resource Library is a valuable resource for neurodivergent professionals. For Inform, Carolyn Cage explores the library and its resources. Neurodiversity in the workplace is considered...
Growing Up Disabled in Australia amplifying voices of disability Edited by Carly Findlay OAM, Growing Up Disabled in Australia is a new anthology featuring stories of disability. For Inform, Haley Zilberberg reviews the collection. Growing Up Disabled in Australia...
5 wellness trends that actually work Navigating wellness trends can be challenging. For Inform, Zoe Simmons takes a look at what has worked for her. Like many people living with a disability or chronic illness, I have a love-hate relationship with wellness trends....
Incontinence doesn’t need to stop you from living life to the full In Australia, incontinence affects over 5 million people, including 1 in 4 adult Australians. Incontinence doesn’t discriminate, it affects people of all ages and backgrounds. Although it comes with...
How advocating for yourself can help you get the healthcare you want and need When it comes to your health, advocating for yourself isn’t always easy. For Inform, Niamh Sullivan shares some advice for how you can speak up and get what you want and need. I was always a...
A story of disability pride In 2017, Melbourne based artist and disability culture activist, Larissa MacFarlane created her first disability pride mural. It was a way for her to express disability pride. But Larissa has not always had that pride. This is her story of...