Transport Accident Commission (TAC)

TAC is a ‘no-fault’ insurance scheme owned by the Victorian Government. This means if you are injured in a transport accident in Victoria, you can make a TAC claim to help pay for the treatment and support you need, even if the accident was your fault.


You are eligible for TAC compensation if you are injured, or are the dependants of a person who dies as a result of a transport accident that occurs:

    • in Victoria (regardless of whether the vehicle involved is registered in Victoria or interstate) or
    • interstate and involved a Victorian registered vehicle and the person injured is:
      • a Victorian resident, or
      • an occupant of a Victorian registered vehicle
Support provided

The type and amount of support you receive, and the length of time you need support, will depend on your circumstances. TAC support can include:

    • medical treatment
    • services to help you while you recover
    • replacement or repair of damaged glasses or dentures
    • income support if you cannot work because of your accident injuries
    • return to work support for you and your employer
    • a lump sum payment if you are eligible for compensation
    • the cost of the application fee to obtain a Medical Treatment Visa if required due to transport accident injuries.

How to Claim

1. Collect relevant information:

  • accident details, including the location, circumstances and other people or drivers involved.
  • details of the vehicles involved, including registration numbers.
  • police report number you received when you reported the accident to the police (not required for public transport accidents).
  • details of anyone who saw the accident.
  • name and contact details of the health professional you have seen, or the hospital attended for your accident injuries.
  • written details of your injuries from your treating health professional or from the hospital you attended.
  • employment or income details if you have had, or will have, more than five days off work due to the accident.
  • for accidents that involved public transport, please provide the incident report number and the date you reported the accident to the operator.
  • your bank details

2. Make a TAC claim

Once you have the information in Step 1, there are three ways you can make a TAC claim:

  • Using TAC online lodgement form
  • Call TAC on 1300 654 329
  • If you are in hospital as a result of your accident, some hospitals can lodge a claim on your behalf. Please discuss this with a hospital Patient Liaison Officer.

How to order

Mobility Aids is a division of Independence Australia and is a contracted supplier to TAC for equipment. Through our online TAC portal, you can order and hire contracted equipment items.

To log in to our TAC portal click here.