Toilet Training Essentials for Children: Tips and Advice

Each milestone in your child’s life is a moment to be celebrated. But sometimes achieving these milestones can involve a lot of time and practice. Toilet training is one of those important, yet often challenging milestones. However, a bit of planning and preparation can make the process easier for you and your toddler.

Along with Huggies, we’ve answered some of the most commonly asked questions regarding toilet training, with tips to help you prepare and plan for this next stage of your child’s life.

What age do you start toilet training?

As a general rule, most children are ready to begin toilet training from the ages of 18 months to four years old. However, as each child develops at their own pace, anywhere in this timeframe is normal. Quite often your toddler will give you clues to let you know they are ready. They might start telling you they “want to do a wee” or “need to go poo”.

In addition to their verbal cues, your child will need to be able sit on the potty by themselves, as well as pull down their toilet training nappy pants by themselves. (We suggest Huggies Ultimate Nappy Pants for this phase!)

It will be messy at the start, so don’t forget to keep thick baby wipes near your child’s potty/toilet, and the changing table, to make clean ups fast and easy.

How do I toilet train my toddler?

‘Preparation and planning’ will be your best friends during the toilet training process, which typically takes three to six months. Having all the essentials ready will help you and your baby make this transition much easier.

Here are our suggestions for toilet training essentials:

A child-sized potty or seat – This will help your child feel more comfortable, thereby making it easier for them to sit and relax as they transition from using nappies to using a toilet.

Training nappies for day and night-time – Moving from using baby nappies to toilet training nappies will help your toddler feel like a ‘grown up’ kid. It will also teach them to pull their underpants on and off to use the toilet.

In addition, training nappies might help you feel more confident by ensuring those ‘accidents’ aren’t a disaster, or embarrassing for your child. Specially designed Huggies Ultra Dry Nappy-Pants in sizes and designs for boys and girls, will help keep everyone drier and happier along the way.

Night-time nappies and bed mats – The final hurdle in toilet training is having your child make it through the night without wetting the bed. Given your child is asleep and not used to their body’s cues to wake up to use the toilet, night-time toilet training can often take an extra six to 12 months.

To help keep your toddler and their bed dry during this phase, we recommend Huggies DryNites Pyjama Pants and DryNites Bed Mats. Both products are purposely designed for night-time sleeping, and will help your child feel confident they won’t wake up in a wet mess during the night, or in the morning. Both are also disposable so you can easily clean up and be ready for the day ahead.

Spare clothes when you go out – Your child will have accidents along the way. When you’re at home, this usually isn’t a big deal, but if you’re out and about, it can be a drama. Always carry spare clothes with you ‘just in case’. It will help your child feel more comfortable, and will save you the hassle (and expense) of having to buy some fresh clothes at the nearest clothing store!

What do I need to have most of while I’m toilet training my toddler?

Patience, with your child and with yourself, is our number one tip!

Sure, you’ll need to have all of the essential items we’ve listed above, but like every stage, learning or teaching something new isn’t always quick and easy.

Continue to use positive words of encouragement, celebrate the wins, and allow for the accidents. If you can focus on these things, both you and your child will find the toilet training phase much easier, and drier.


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