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Episode 15: Disability Pride

In this episode

In this episode of the Inform podcast, we hear from artist and disability culture activist, Larissa MacFarlane and 17-year-old Issy, who works for a youth disability organisation. Larissa and Issy share the story of their path to disability pride and what disability pride means to them.

The other thing I’ll say that disability pride too is that I see that it’s a practice. And it’s something you just don’t suddenly get you don’t suddenly go, hey, I’ve come out. I’m disabled and I’m proud. It’s about owning my life and owning my stories, and being able to identify with them in a way that doesn’t include shame. In a way, where I can be proud of who I am. And, and the steps I’ve taken, the interests I have, the things I do.

Larissa MacFarlane

How community encourages pride

For both Larissa and Issy, connecting with and engaging with the disability community helped them to feel disability pride.

So to me, I think Disability Pride is the reclaiming of, you know, the shame, the devaluing, the invalidation, the discrimination, all of these loaded things that the abled world and its institutions of power put on us and taking that back, and owning it and owning you know what they don’t really want us to.



Larissa MacFarlane

How working in disability advocacy helped me feel disability pride


You can find a transcript of this episode here:

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Inform is a production of Independence Australia. If you’re keen to hear more, you can go back and listen to our past episodes at: www.informonline.org.au/listen

Stay tuned for the next episode of Inform. In the meantime, make sure you subscribe to Inform on your preferred podcast listening platform to be the first to hear about new episodes.

Host and producer: Kirby Fenwick
Managing editor: Alison Crowe

Our thanks to Larissa and Issy for sharing their stories.

This episode of Inform was recorded and produced on the lands of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulan nation. We pay our respects to elders past and present.

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