Five (more) disability podcasts

A little while ago we brought you a list of five disability podcasts. Those podcasts featured conversations about accessibility, relationships and finding work alongside interviews with activists and advocates. And while those five are still very much worth a listen, excitingly, we have even more disability podcasts to share with you!

Read on for what you should be adding to your must listen to list today.

One In 5 Podcast

One in 5 Australians live with disability. It’s this fact that gives this podcast from the Melbourne Disability Institute its name. The One In 5 podcast explores some of the most complex issues facing people with disability. This includes housing, employment and the law. Host, Tessa de Vries speaks with a range of experts including people with disability, researchers and people working in the sector.

Chronically Fully Sick

Hosted by Queens of Pain Chloe Sargeant and Joanna Nilson, Chronically Fully Sick is a podcast about chronic illness. Chloe and Joanna discuss all the wondrous joys and justifiable woes of living life with unrelenting pain and fatigue. Recent episodes include discussions about the wellness industry, the concept of reclaiming pain and imposter syndrome.

Note: there is some swearing in this podcast.


Hosted by tennis ace and all-round superstar Dylan Alcott and Angus O’Loughlin, ListenABLE wants to challenge what you think it’s like to live with a disability. The duo interview people living with disability about their lives. Plus, they ask them the questions you thought were off-limits. The aim is to break down some stigmas and change perceptions. Recent guests include writer and speaker Carly Findlay, and Dinesh Palipana, the first quadriplegic medical intern in Queensland.  

VALID Podcast

VALID, or the Victorian Advocacy League for Individuals with Disability, provide a range of advocacy and information programs. Plus, they also do a podcast! The VALID podcast provides regular commentary and updates on the work VALID does. In addition, they share chats with people who share their stories about disability. Recent guests include Olivia Petty from the Disability, Priority Communities Division at Victoria Police and Miranda Bruyniks, Complaints Commissioner, NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.

Labelling The Disabling

Labelling the Disabling is hosted by sociologist and comedian Carol Heijo and Edward Birt, Chief Operating Officer from The Disability Trust. The podcast explores the intersections between disability, human rights, social justice and the NDIS. The aim of Labelling the Disabling is to promote better understanding of what it’s like living with a disability. Recent guests include Moana and Vinny Hope and bestselling author, Yenn Purkiss.

Did you know that Inform has a podcast?

On the Inform PodcastPodcast you’ll hear from people with disabilities, as well as industry experts on a range of topics. Our aim is to provide people with disabilities with up-to-date, quality and relevant information and insights. Recent episodes explore disability pride and self-advocacy.

Do you have a favourite disability podcasts you’d like to tell us about? Get in touch at [email protected]

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